Wednesday, December 30, 2009

meadow lane

As a belated birthday celebration, Benjamin took me to Meadow Lane Lodge in Warm Springs, Virginia. I have no idea how he finds places like this, but he definitely has a knack for finding the most amazing places off the beaten path. We ended up getting snowed in, but it made for quite an adventure. Pictures don't do this place justice... it was gorgeous. I can't wait to go back this summer or fall. (hint, hint. Are you reading this Ben?)
Meadow Lane: Before.
Our first morning there, Glenn (the owner) sat down with us to discuss the impending snow. Since we had left Maryland, the forecast had gone from a few inches of snow, to up to 24 inches. So we headed out to the nearest Walmart (40 minutes!) to stock up on survival supplies: food, long johns, & wine.

Meadow Lane: After.
Shortly after we got back, the snow started coming down, and didn't stop for two and a half days. We had the entire property to ourselves... it was the most cozy & beautiful place to get snowed in together!
On the property, there were horses, goats, donkeys, and chickens.. a whole barn full of animals...

The Jackson River, which flows through the property...

Our snowman, Oliver.

The view from the porch.

A little too deep for angels, but an honest attempt.

Gorgeous waterfall down the road.

Not only was the property a dream, the inside of the lodge was so cozy and comfortable. Comfy couches, fireplaces in every was so welcoming!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

And the winner is........

After some great prospects, and many disappointments, Benjamin & I kept coming back to the idea of getting married in North Carolina.
It's where we spent most of our time together during the past two years.
It's where he proposed.
Eastern North Carolina is one of our favorite places.
So why not?
We quickly settled on New Bern, and we* began making calls.
(and by we, I mean Benjamin.)
There is a small historic Catholic church just a couple blocks down the street from one of the BEST restaurants we have ever been to. A restaurant that just so happens to have a big banquet room upstairs. (The Chelsea)

(New Bern, NC)

(Downtown New Bern)

(St. Paul's)

Finally, we have found a place we are both beyond excited about. Now the hard part will be waiting until the big day finally arrives.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Location, Location, Location...

Far & away, the most difficult decision Ben & I have encountered in our wedding planning has been choosing a location. One thing we knew is that we wanted someplace special. There were so many impressive options... stunning halls, mansions, golf courses, etc. But most of these places we had never visited. We don't golf (unless you count my stellar putt-putt skills), and so they had no meaning.

So the search continued.
Strong Mansion. Too big.

Seneca Lodge. Too small.

The Mansion House. Would require our guests to use Porta-Potties. Eww.

The Sigrist Farm. Almost perfect, but not quite....